The 3rd China-Switzerland Organic Herbs Workshop


Date: 5th. May 2023, Place: Zurich and Uster


To further promote traditional Chinese medicine culture, promote knowledge of Chinese medicine in Switzerland, demonstrate Swiss advanced agricultural planting technology of organic agriculture, and further to exchange knowledge in-depth and strength the cooperation between China and Switzerland in the fields of Chinese medicinal material, talent training, organic standards, product sustainability development and  innovation, Swiss Chinese Herbal Medicine and Functional Food Innovation Center, together with University of Zurich, Guangxi Botanical Garden for Medicinal Plants, China-ASEAN Traditional Medicine Exchange and Cooperation Center, will hold the 2023 “Swiss-Sino Workshop on Organic Agriculture and Traditional Herbal Medicine and On-Site Composting Training Course”.

为进一步弘扬传统中医药文化,提升中医药在瑞士的国际影响力,推广世界先进有机药用植物农业种植技术,推进中瑞在中药材人才培养、有机标准制定、产品创新等领域的深度交流与合作,中草药与功能食品瑞士创新中心(瑞士草本创新) 将与苏黎世大学、广西药用植物园、中国—东盟传统医药交流合作中心等单位,联合共同举办 2023年“有机农业与传统草药瑞中学术交流研讨会暨堆肥产品现场培训会”。