Organic cultivation of medicinal materials in Guangxi

Started 2019, Research:

Duration: 2019 – 2022

Project Name: 广西大宗特色药材有机种植技术研究与示范项目 (Study and demonstration of organic cultivation technology of bulk special medicinal materials in Guangxi)

The project AD1850002 funded by Guangxi Science and Technology to Guangxi Botanic Garden of Medicinal Plants (GBGMP, 中国广西药用植物园), which was a research project of the former China-Switzerland Joint Research Institute of Organic Herbal Medicine /中瑞有机药材联合研究所 (January 2017- August 2020).

GBGMP Project Leader is Dr. Yingying Liu (刘颖颖博士). Swiss Participant Dr. Qiyan Wang-Mueller (王启燕博士) was Senior Scientist and the Managing Director of “China-Switzerland Joint Research Institute of Organic Herbal Medicine”.