Started 2020, Research:
Duration: 2020 -2023
Project Name: 长期重金属污染条件下蚯蚓的生态适应机制研究 (Study on the ecological adaptation mechanism of earthworms under long- term heavy metal pollution)
The project 41977209 funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China to China Agricultural University (CAU) Prof. Dr. Yuhui Qiao. Swiss Senior Scientist Dr. Qiyan Wang-Mueller was invited to participate as Co-supervise one master student’s work and to proceed the research via co-work with Prof. Dr. Laurent Bigler of University of Zurich since 2021 on subproject of Molecular mechanism and population genetic characteristics of earthworm adapting to cadmium contaminated soil.
Since October 2019, Dr. Qiyan Wang-Mueller invited to teach for Master student course “Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Food System No. of YW2019027 and 202004 in Beijing Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Organic Farming of China Agricultural University (CAU, 中国农业大学, 生物多样性和有机农业北京重点实验室).