International Conferences and Business Visits, Day 3

25th August:
Summer School 2023, Zurich and Swiss Alpine region, alpine herbs at the Mythen mountain

Future Leader Forum

  • Topic: Modern Green Agriculture & Herbs Utilization in background of Rural Revitalization
  • Address: Mainaustrasse 21 (3-Floor, SwissHerbs), 8008 Zurich, Switzerland
  • Project Leader: Dr. Qiyan Wang-Mueller, Dr. Pingyin Guan
  • Contact: Weidong YUE 岳卫东 (+41 782218973,
  • Admission for free
  • Program Details:

Mythen Mountain Excursion

  • 14:00 – 14:30 arrive Berggasthaus Holzegg, CH-8849 Brunni-Alpthal
  • 14:30 – 15:30 Presentation Lecturer: Franz Steiner (SwissHerbs.Org)
  • 15:30 – 16:50 Field Excursion at the Mythen
  • Course-Fee: CHF 60.–/30.– (please Pay by scan or link)
  • Download Details